Saturday 25 May 2024

Birding in Lesvos 2024 - Part 2

 So where were we? Just been to Makara, so next up....

On the way back from Makara we pass some pools where a few Greater Flamingos go to get away from the crowds at the Salt Pans and usually give a closer view, so here are a couple of photos from there.

Next day we went on a Scops Owl hunt, there is a usually reliable location just outside Kalloni Town, so we popped in our travels and were lucky to find one hiding in the Eucalyptus trees.

We did pop in the following week with Jo, but there was no sign. So here you are Jo, this is what you should have seen!

After a long day out yesterday we stayed fairly local today and explored the Potamia Valley only 15 minutes from our hotel. We went via the Christou River, where the were lots of Little Stint and Plovers

At the valley we took a walk around the reservoir, there are never many birds about, but the insect life is fantastic, trying to get a photo can be a problem though, they are nippy little b*ggers!!

Photographing is a bit easier when they have stopped to 'do the business' though. 😂

Some birds did put in an appearance:
Long-legged Buzzard,
and Black-headed Bunting.

Then back at the Salt Pans a few Greater Flamingo pics:
with a Black-winged Stilt

On the outskirts of Skala Kallonis we had been told about some Long-eared Owls, it took us three goes, but finally with a map drawn by our Hotel Manager George we found one!

We then continued onto to Sigri via a couple of other good birding spots. Then after Ice Cream we took the long track (4x4 recommended!) back to Eressos, then back to Skala Kallonis.
Finding Blue Rock Thrush,
Cireneous Bunting,
Ruff and Plover,
Red-backed Shrike,
Red-breasted Flycatcher,
Golden Oriole,

Little Egret,
and a Butterfly laying eggs.

We of course saw loads more species, can't post all of that, it would be a bit dull, so here endeth part 2.

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