Thursday 23 May 2024

Birding in Lesvos 2024 - Part 1

So we have been back from Lesvos a couple of weeks now and I have finally finished sorting through my photos, so it's time to do a post!

It was a fabulous two weeks, we saw a record amount of bird species (for us!) Mind you some people take it very seriously and are up at the crack of dawn and go out for two or three hours before going back to their hotel for breakfast, then heading out again and not coming back until dusk,

That's not for us. We go down to breakfast as late as possible, after all we are on holiday. Then back to our room, sort coffee and snacks then head out, so most days we were out about 10.30. After a days birding we then like to get back and have a swim the pool, while the sun is still shining, the sun being out is a must as that early in the year the water is freezing!

Going back to the record for us, we recorded 137 species. This included two never before seen by us, which is a bonus, more of that in a later post. Also for some species we had the best views that we have ever had, although that doesn't always mean good photos (Sorry). For those interested I will do a full list in the end of the last post.

So where to start, chronologically I suppose;

The Tsikinias River just outside Skala Kallonis is always the first port of call and will be visited most days during the two weeks as its a nice way out of the village, it got us off to a great start, with a Purple Heron,

Little Egrets,
Yellow-legged Gull
and Glossy Ibis.

Unfortunately out first day was quite dull so the colours of the Glossy Ibis, don't stand out like they can, here's another photo of an individual,
hopefully it show the colours a little better.

From there its on to the Kalloni Salt Pans to see what's about:
A White stork,
Passing Ruddy Shelduck,
a Whinchat,
there are always Flamingos and Avocets,
and a Reed Warbler.

Other birds would have been Wood Sandpiper, Ruff, Black-winged Stilt, Bee-eaters, Crested lark and Corn Bunting.

Despite what I said earlier we did do one pre-breakfast trip, as Tina couldn't sleep so we went out to Metochi Lake; 
It was a dull morning and there wasn't much about, so much for going out early, very over rated if you ask me. But we did see two scurrying Little Crakes in the reeds, getting a photo was nigh on impossible!
There were a few Squacco Herons about, but again photography was difficult as there was a mist coming off the water.
After Breakfast we took an all day trip to Makara and the nearby valley, this is one of our favourite drives, in places you would think your on another planet!. Here are some of what we saw:
Woodchat Shrike,
Little Owl,
Juvenile Stonechat,
a very distant Sardinian Warbler,
Wood Sandpipers,
Little Bittern,
Crested Lark,
Turtle Dove,
Rock Nuthatch
Black-eared Wheatear and
Ruddy Shelduck.

I think I will leave it there for this post, it's a lot of stuff!
Part 2 to follow...............................

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